Crane and Seager Orthodontics is proud to stand up against bullying.

We’ve launched an anti-bullying campaign that our entire community can be a part of. Studies show that nearly 1 in 4 children experiences bullying either in person or digitally. At Crane and Seager Orthodontics we’re taking a stand and are making a pledge to not be part of the problem. We’re in the smile business and believe that every person deserves the right to a bully-free life.

To show our support, we have launched a t-shirt design contest that is open to our entire community! To enter, stop by our office to pick up a blank t-shirt design sheet, or download the template PDF on this post (link below.) Please submit your designs in person at either of office location or online via our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
One winner will be selected per month. Winners will not only have their shirts printed for their whole class but will also have a chance to design their own pair of custom Converse shoes! Final submissions are due by Dec. 15. Help us spread the word by sharing this post and stand with us to help end bullying!